Big Boards

A consensus big board created from five different outlets: Kiley McDaniel at ESPN, Eric Longenhagen at FanGraphs, Keith Law at The Athletic, Baseball America, and MLB Pipeline. ESPN, The Athletic, and Baseball America’s rankings are behind a paywall, and as a result, only the aggregate rankings are included. Since each list produces a different amount of prospects for the draft, only the top 100 on each list was included.

Using the ConsRank package in R, the “quick” algorithm was used to produce the aggregate (consensus) draft rankings. Position, age (rounded to nearest year), weight, height, bat, and throw come from FanGraphs. The Big Board is sortable for the position, school type, bat and throw along with searchable by player. Can filter by team, where “Undrafted” will provide the players on the Big Board who were not drafted. It is also sortable for the round and overall pick number. The sorts work with the filters as well.